Drug Testing Facts, Stats, How to's and Guide

Will Antidepressants Show Up On A Drug Test?

Will Antidepressants Show Up On A Drug Test?

Antidepressants may not show up in your standard drug test during the pre-employment or random drug screening process. To be...

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Why Do Employers Go For A 12-Panel Drug Test?

Why Do Employers Go For A 12-Panel Drug Test?

Drug abuse in the United States is increasing periodically, pushing employers to move their focus from a standard 5-panel to...

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10 Panel Drug Test - A Paradigm Shift In Drug Testing

10 Panel Drug Test - A Paradigm Shift In Drug Testing

Here is an interesting fact! Employers are shifting from 5 panel to 10 panel as it tests a wide array...

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7 Proven Ways To Pass A Hair Drug Test

7 Proven Ways To Pass A Hair Drug Test

It is ok if you panic hearing your employer conducting a hair follicle drug test shortly. You might have consumed...

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6-Panel Drug Test: Everything You Need to Know!

6-Panel Drug Test: Everything You Need to Know!

A 6-panel drug test is not a regularly used drug test, but an employer might use a 6-panel test if he wants...

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Does Apple Drug Test?

Does Apple Drug Test?

Apple may conduct a drug test as they have a drug testing policy. Apple is committed to a "drug-free workplace"...

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Does AZO Mess Up A Urine Test?

Does AZO Mess Up A Urine Test?

Certainly Yes. AZO pills might lead to a false positive drug test during certain circumstances. Many people who have used...

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Roadside Drug Testing: Are You In Trouble?

Roadside Drug Testing: Are You In Trouble?

Roadside drug testing is not usually something you see on an episode of Cops. Specially trained police officers perform the...

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Do Nurses Get Drug Tested?

Do Nurses Get Drug Tested?

Yes. Nurses get drug tested in the USA during pre-employment and may face a random drug test during their course...

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