Does Outpatient Rehab Drug Test?

Does Outpatient Rehab Drug Test?


Yes. Outpatient rehab drug test. Most rehabilitation centers in the United States may conduct a pre-intake drug test and a random drug test for their outpatients. 

Substance abuse has become a serious problem in the USA, with drug overdose deaths reaching 107,477+ in 2022. Being in the increasing trend year after year, rehabilitation centers are pruning their service capabilities by providing the utmost care to their patients. 

As you now know that outpatients rehab drug test, it is crucial to understand why you are drug tested, what happens if you fail an outpatient rehab drug test, and the standard outpatient rehab success rate. This blog will help you with all you need.

Table of Contents

Outpatient Rehab - An overview

Outpatient rehab treatment is one kind of substance abuse treatment where addicted people are given rehabilitation treatment without admitting to consistent care. 

Many Americans feel outpatient drug rehab is convenient as it allows them to do their routine without rehab treatment interfering. 

You can join an outpatient treatment program through a Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP), court-ordered drug rehab, or even through group therapy or individual counseling programs. 

You might wonder - Outpatient rehabs know that you are a drug addict. Then why are they drug testing during the pre-intake? 

Why Do Outpatient Rehab Drug Test During Pre-Intake?

Outpatient drug rehabilitation centers drug test during pre-intake to

  1. determine the initial treatment plan and identify which drugs dominate your addiction.
  2. Ensure your capability and compliance with the treatment
  3. Potential health risks that you may have and how you could respond to the particular treatment.
  4. Track your progress and abstinence from drugs.

Note: Drug testing during outpatient rehab treatment is not a matter of trust or intended to shame the person. It is highly focused on making the person engage with the treatment better and help him/her choose abstinence without drug relapse. The drug test measures success and sets future benchmarks to stay consistently abstinent.

Does Outpatient Rehab Drug Test The Day After Hospital Detox?

Possibly yes. A rehab center may drug test you after the hospital detox. But the decision to drug test depends on the type of program you are in. While some detox or rehabilitation programs may require a drug test during outpatient rehab, some may not. 

In some cases, the outpatient programs may demand you to begin treatment to establish a baseline and identify any drugs that may be present in their system. 

To be precise, the drug test at the outpatient drug testing program may happen at various intervals, and it is completely dependent on the rehab facilities’ policies and procedures.

Does Outpatient Rehab Drug Test At The Meetings Too?

Maybe. Rehab facilities may not drug test outpatients during the meetings, but some outpatient facilities may drug test during drug rehab community gathering like support groups, aftercare sessions, group and family therapy sessions, and 12-step meetings.

Drug and Alcohol rehabilitation centers may drug test you for several reasons. 

  1. Accountability and compliance - Outpatients should be accountable for their actions and comply with the rehab facilities’ treatment plan, rules, and regulations to remain consistent with sobriety. 
  2. Identifying triggers - Drug tests at meetings will help the counselor or the rehab staff to identify triggers of their drug usage. For example, if a person at the aftercare meeting shows positive results during the drug test, it helps the counselor identify the possibility of relapse. 
  3. Safety - Drug testing during the meetings will help the rehabilitation centers assure safety and security. It also helps them take necessary precautions if they find attendees who are under the influence of drugs.

What Happens If You Fail A Drug Test In Outpatient Rehab?

Your treatment plan might get more stringent. You may be under regular supervision by the rehab center, and if it continues, you could be changed to inpatient treatment. 

Failing a drug test during outpatient rehab is more probable because there are high chances that you may slip away from being sober due to various reasons. If that happens, the rehab facility could take the below-mentioned actions to prevent you from relapsing and keep you sober.

  1. Your treatment plan could get escalated. If you are taking a standard outpatient program, you may be escalated to an intensive outpatient program.
  2. You may get dismissed from the program. This is bad as it could go into the record, and if you move to other rehab facilities, this could make it challenging for you to earn their trust during the recovery process.

So, it is crucial to stay sober and adhere to the treatment measures suggested by the rehab center. If you think that it is hard to cope with, there is no shame in admitting yourself into residential programs.

Is It Worth joining An Outpatient Rehabilitation Program?

Yes. It is worth it for mildly abusive patients who cannot miss out on their routine. Also, Outpatient treatment involves a long-term treatment plan which may be either intensive or standard treatment based on the addiction levels. 

Intensive treatment plans may include 10 to 21 hours sessions per week with one to two individual therapy sessions per week. Standard treatment may consist of 5 to 9 hour sessions per week with one individual therapy session per week. 

There are some benefits to choosing an outpatient treatment program

  1. No interference in routine
  2. Affordable treatment
  3. Long term rehabilitation 
  4. Family support
  5. Effective detoxification.

Note: The outpatient detoxification program is suitable for mild to moderate addicts. It is up to the rehab center to determine whether you are ideal for outpatient detoxification based on the treatment plan.

Avoid Relapse By Choosing Inpatient Drug Rehab

While it is okay to manage your drug addiction with outpatient care, it is always crucial to have consistent care, and it is possible with inpatient detoxification. As you may think that family supports your detoxification journey, you never know when you will relapse. 

If you are that kind of person, it is always safe and effective to choose inpatient rehabilitation to get consistent care and support from trained professionals. Apart from relapse, here are some reasons why inpatient rehab may be a better option

  1. To prevent severe addiction
  2. Unstable living environment
  3. Co-occurring disorders
  4. Limited Support System

Note: Make sure you choose a suitable rehab center if you have made up your mind to join the inpatient drug rehab program.


Does outpatient rehab drug test? - Yes. Outpatient rehab centers drug test during pre-intake and randomly to identify triggers. But make sure you follow their treatment guidelines and avoid relapse. 

It is hard to stay disciplined and sober, but once you succeed, your life could transform into more of what you have ever imagined. With that growth mindset, it is time to take your crucial next step to stay sober.

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