Does LSD Expire? Everything We Know

Does LSD Expire? Everything We Know


LSD is a psychedelic drug that alters the user's sensory experience. LSD may expire if not handled or stored properly. Abusing LSD might have threatening consequences and can  lead to severe side effects.

This article will explore everything you need to know about whether LSD expires and what consequences using LSD may entail.

Table Of Contents:

Facts About LSD

LSD is a powerful hallucinogen. It is a synthetic drug made from ergot, a grain fungus. LSD was first created in the 1930s. This drug was initially used in clinical research and experiments. 

The drug was hypothesized to help with psychiatric issues and other disorders, but this hypothesis never materialized. LSD stands for lysergic acid diethylamide. This drug has been called many different street names, including acid, cube, and doses. 

The effects of LSD can be felt within 15 to 30 minutes of ingesting the drug. It can take up to 3 hours for the drug to completely take effect. It is impossible to judge how much LSD has been ingested by a person by looking at them. 

Depending on how large the amount of LSD is ingested, it can take up to four days to feel effects again after the drug leaves the body. While LSD is not often used to obtain a high, it is habit-forming. 

LSD can be highly addictive, and it can cause psychological damage to the user after regular use. This drug is not often used to obtain a high. While this drug is known for its hallucinogenic effects, it has become increasingly popular in the drug culture.

LSD can result in hallucinations and "markedly disturbed sensory experiences." It can cause severe confusion and panic attacks. After ingesting LSD, the user is at an increased risk of having severe adverse reactions and accidents due to the altered perceptions they are experiencing while on the drug.

Statistics Of LSD Usage In The United States

  • After the 1960s, many drugs came under the federal government's control and LSD was one among them. In 1970, LSD was listed as a Schedule 1 drug. 
  • In 1972, there were approximately 45,000 emergency room visits from illicit LSD use in the United States. 
  • Most LSD consumers are in the 20- to 29-year-old age group. 
  • Approximately 1% of high school students in the United States report using LSD at least once. Over 60% of all people who use LSD will do so at least once during their lifetime. 
  • It makes the drug one of the most frequently used illegal drugs. According to NIDA statistics, approximately two million people have tried LSD for the first time by the age of 31.

The Potential Dangers Of Using LSD

Psychological Effects

LSD is a potent drug because it affects the central nervous system; some physical symptoms can occur, including anxiety, drowsiness, and sweating. Vomiting and nausea can also result from taking illicit LSD. However, the most dangerous aspect of LSD is its psychological effects.


LSD is one of the many drugs that carry the potential risk of flashbacks. These flashbacks can come out at any time and last for a few minutes or longer, and they can cause problems in everyday functioning.


While not everyone experiences this effect, LSD does have hallucinogenic abilities. It can cause hallucinations, visual, auditory, or tactile. The psychological effects of LSD can produce hallucinations that are similar to the drug being taken or even scenes from the person's past. This effect tends to last longer in some people than others.


LSD induces feelings of unreality and detachment from reality. These feelings cause a person to lose touch with reality and feel detached from themselves and those around them. This effect can make the user feel like they are not controlling their thoughts or actions.

Panic Attacks

People who use LSD can suffer from unexpected panic attacks, leading to dangerous behavior and suicidal thoughts. While it is more common in those with a history of mental disorders, anyone who uses LSD is at risk for panic attacks.

How To Store LSD Properly?

To store LSD properly, it is best to put it in a dark place and cool the storage space. The higher the temperature of that LSD is held, the faster its potency will diminish. Oxygen, heat, and light can all be very detrimental to the effectiveness of LSD.

Moreover, the following factors can cause a decrease in potency or accelerate the leakage and should therefore be avoided (in order of severity)

LSD exposed to light

LSD is affected by light. Exposure to sunlight, especially ultraviolet light, can cause the drug to degrade over time. The Ultraviolet range of light (300-400nm) can cause a reduction in the intensity of LSD to about half when exposed for 6 hours. 

While LSD is stable in the absence of oxygen, it can degrade with the help of light. When stored in a plastic bag, the drug is also more vulnerable to this degrading effect. After about 12 hours of exposure to light, the potency is reduced by about 30% or 30% less potent than when first brought into storage. 

The solution to this problem is to avoid storing LSD in direct sunlight or bright fluorescent light. The drug should be stored in a cool, dark place to prevent exposure to fluorescent lights and ultraviolet rays. 

If the drug has already been exposed to fluorescent lights or ultraviolet rays and cannot be avoided, it should be removed from the light source as soon as possible.

LSD Exposed to Humidity 

LSD is also sensitive to humidity. If a plastic bag has been used to store LSD, the moisture in the bag can cause a decrease in potency. As noted above, the drug is highly susceptible to these effects if stored in a plastic bag.  

Therefore, LSD must be stored in an airtight container or container with a desiccant included minimizing exposure to water and humidity. 

LSD Exposed to Elevated Temperatures 

Elevated temperatures should be avoided when storing LSD. Temperature fluctuation can also cause it to become less potent. If the drug is exposed to high temperatures for a long time, there can also be some damage that occurs to its potency and stability. 

An air-conditioned or cool environment is the best place to store LSD. Temperatures should be kept between 59-77 degrees Fahrenheit (15-25 degrees C) to prevent the drug from becoming less potent. 

LSD Exposed to Air

Any form of air contact should be avoided when storing LSD. Air can cause the drug to degrade more quickly, exceptionally when packaged in a plastic bag, as previously mentioned. There is no reason to store LSD in a plastic bag unless intended for direct ingestion. 

Additionally, an opaque container should be used when storing LSD. An opaque container prevents the light and moisture found in the air from reaching the LSD, preserving its potency for a long time.


LSD is not an addictive drug. However, it can be dangerous if the user consumes too much of the drug in a short period and has an adverse reaction to it. If you experience an adverse reaction to LSD, you should consult the doctor, or if you have overdosed on LSD and have not sought medical attention, you should seek medical attention immediately.


Should I store liquid LSD, sugar cubes, microdots, and blotting papers using the same method?

In general, it is not recommended to store all these drug forms in a standard container. All of the methods mentioned above have advantages and disadvantages. Microdots are easy to disperse and can be purchased at a relatively low price. 

However, the high potency of these microdots can ruin the effectiveness of LSD. The microdot method does have its disadvantages. They are small, fragile, and expensive for most people but more accessible to store than blotter paper or sugar cubes because they do not need to be moistened with liquid LSD. 

The blotter paper and sugar cubes are not as easy to store because they require a liquid LSD to be added every time the user uses them.

In general, liquid LSD should be stored in an airtight container, whereas blotter paper and sugar cubes can be stored in plastic containers with desiccants included. The glycerin will help keep the blotter paper moistened, and the evaporated water does not negatively affect the potency of LSD. The desiccant will prevent the oxygen from reaching the acid inside of it.

Can long-term use of LSD lead to long-term problems?

It is essential to consider that most of the effects of LSD wear off quickly, as mentioned previously. LSD does not have any physical impact on the body, so there are no long-term dangers from using it. 

However, some people can experience flashbacks of some of the hallucinations and other experiences caused by the drug. Thus, it is essential that the user takes full responsibility for their actions and seeks help from a medical professional if they experience any adverse effects.

Is it reasonable to store LSD in a glass or a plastic container?

LSD should be stored in a glass container. The acid inside the LSD will react with the plastic over time, stripping it of its potency. Glass containers are not as easy to break or leak acid as plastic containers, which is another reason why glass is a better option for storage than plastic.

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